Raspberry Rally Are The New Girl Scout Cookies
The Girl Scouts website announced that the newest cookie joining the family will be called Raspberry rally and will be comprised of a crispy, thin exterior that is “infused with raspberry flavor,” and then the whole thing is dipped in a layer of chocolate.
If you think that these cookies look familiar, the website explains: “They may look like Thin Mints’ sister, but these cookies have a delicious taste that’s all their own.”
So, if you’re a raspberry lover like us, these new cookies are for you. However, it’s important to note that these cookies are only available online, so you won’t find them being sold by your local Girl Scout troop.

The Cookies Resemble Thin Mints But Are Raspberry Flavored
You can order a box (or more!) on the Girl Scouts website and it will be shipped directly to your home. The organization emphasizes that it will teach the Girl Scouts skills that are ever-important in today’s day and age: e-commerce, marketing, and building an online presence.
Wendy Lou, the Girl Scout USA chief revenue officer said in a statement: “What makes Girl Scout Cookies even sweeter? Behind every box is a girl learning important skills to power her leadership journey and unlock a world of opportunities. Financial literacy is not only a critical skill required for entrepreneurship but an essential life skill.”

These Cookies Are An Online Exclusive