Woman Is Shocked to Learn What’s Behind Her Walls

Published on February 28, 2023
Homeowners wondered what was happening behind a wall that looked normal in all regards. They’d heard rumors that this Germantown, Tennessee, home was haunted, but it actually wasn’t that simple. Something worse was going on, and it shocked the entire world!

The homeowners began hearing unusual sounds periodically. However, it got to be more frequent over time, and then it was nonstop. Finally, they had to do something about it, but it would literally change their home forever. What could have possibly happened, and what was behind the wall? Continue reading to see some of the amazing original photos from the scene!

An Ordinary House

Germantown is a small and friendly place where everyone knows each other, and the home was in a good neighborhood. The family was happy about it, but they couldn’t know then that there would be tons of work done to it to live peacefully!

An Ordinary House

An Ordinary House

How It Appeared

The first time hearing the strange noise wasn’t a huge deal. It would occur every so often, and only one person would catch it at a time. However, all the members of the family began noticing it, and it came more frequently.

How It Appeared

How It Appeared


Very Bizarre

Usually, you can figure out what the sound is quickly, such as with a creak or water drips. However, the homeowners couldn’t determine what it was or where it was from. It seemed to travel throughout the house, and things just got worse from there.

Very Bizarre

Very Bizarre


Not a Rodent

They knew that rats and mice could get stuck within the walls, but it comes with a distinctive click sound. Plus, if it were a rodent, there would have to be many of them. Could it be a family of pests? Regardless, the homeowners wanted to get rid of them!

Not a Rodent

Not a Rodent


Pest Control

The family called a pest control company, and the professionals located where the sound was, which made it easier to control where the pesticide went. This would hopefully kill all the rodents or cause them to leave, but they still didn’t know what it was.

Pest Control

Pest Control


A Haunted House

Pesticide didn’t resolve the problem, so the family wondered if their home was haunted. Whatever was inside should have died. It sounds unreal, but the family had no more options. Would holy water help? Could they stop the sounds in the walls?!

A Haunted House

A Haunted House


Worried About Safety

The thing in the wall was alive, so the homeowners had to figure out how to get it to leave. However, it would be harder to do if it was a ghost! Nothing made sense now. Pesticide spraying should have killed an animal, but it didn’t. What was going on?!

Worried About Safety

Worried About Safety


The Unique Problem

Overall, the intruder and noise were unique. No one could figure it out, and the owners were also unsure. However, they tried describing it the best way they could. Now, they had to wait until everyone else heard it. Therefore, they sat down and waited quietly.

The Unique Problem

The Unique Problem


Gets Louder

The noise was now louder than ever, and it sounded like something large produced it. They all finally heard it, agreeing that it seemed like some sort of vibration. Something alive was causing it, and the family had to figure it out!

Gets Louder

Gets Louder


An Idea

The homeowners went outside and approached the wall, thinking it came from there. However, they now saw a bug crawling on the window while hearing the noise. Was it an ordinary pest? Of course! It was a bee that snuck into the wall!

An Idea

An Idea


Calling David Glover

Now, the family knew they might have a bee problem and needed help. They scoured the internet to find a local man named David Glover. They didn’t want to kill the bees, but they wanted them out of the house. Therefore, this man was the right choice.

Calling David Glover

Calling David Glover


The Bee Whisperer

David is often called the Bee Whisperer, getting that nickname because he does a dangerous and difficult thing. In fact, he handles and rehomes hundreds of bees. It pays off because he gets the honey and also uses bee venom therapy. Did he help the family?

The Bee Whisperer

The Bee Whisperer


The Noise

Though the homeowners saw some bees around the window, it didn’t mean they were dealing with a bee problem. There had to be more checks done to determine what the cause of the noise was. David decided to help the homeowners to learn the truth.

The Noise

The Noise


Checking the Home

David arrived, and the homeowners were upset. He calmed them down and checked out the house. He made sure to have his bee suit on hand. That piece of equipment always shocked people, but he needed it for his job!

Checking the Home

Checking the Home


The Special Camera

Though David is good at his job, he still needs assistance to see if there are bees in a wall. Therefore, his thermal imaging camera helps him locate a heat source. When he opened it, the color red was there to show live things inside. Was it bees?

The Special Camera

The Special Camera


It’s Bees

David paid full attention to the camera and realized that the homeowners definitely had a bee problem. Once he saw how the house had been built, he knew it would be a large project. Since the home was made of brick, it would be hard to pinpoint the hive.

It's Bees

It’s Bees


Relocation for the Bees

David is a good bee man. When he learned how many bees could be in the walls, he knew he had to help. They were disturbing the homeowners and stuck in the wall. Their lives could be in danger. He chose to relocate them on one condition.

Relocation for the Bees

Relocation for the Bees


Difficult Bee Removal

To remove the bees safely, David would have to damage the brick wall. Typically, the heat sources he saw on his camera were small, and this was much larger. Therefore, he was dealing with a big hive, and he had no idea what to expect!

Difficult Bee Removal

Difficult Bee Removal


Brick Making Things Worse

David hated working with brick. The material would crumble and be difficult to remove. In fact, it could damage the hive and anger the bees! Likewise, many things could go wrong, and the entire house was brick. Therefore, he was worried about the task.

Brick Making Things Worse

Brick Making Things Worse


Confirmed Bee Problem

David removed a single brick and realized that this house was infested. The hive was perfect and strong because the pests knew what to do. He believed the bees had been there for a long time and didn’t know how large the hive was.

Confirmed Bee Problem

Confirmed Bee Problem


Observing the Hive

The Bee Whisperer observed the hive, noticing its perfect condition. These bees were frantic, so he knew there would be more. Now, David realized that it would take hours to remove the bricks because he had to be careful. What would it be like?

Observing the Hive

Observing the Hive


Removing More Bricks

It took a while for David to reach the hive and remove the bricks. He had to be careful so that he didn’t anger or hurt the bees. A swarm in that neighborhood would be detrimental. Though he could have, he didn’t want to smash the bricks and cause more expense to the homeowners.

Removing More Bricks

Removing More Bricks


Two Lines Gone

After hours of work, David had removed two lines of brick. He believed it would be enough, but he was shocked that the hive was still as full as it had been before. He’d have to do more work, and the buzzing was intense.

Two Lines Gone

Two Lines Gone


Keeps Getting Bigger

David was very excited to see the hive get larger, but that meant more work. He knew they were stuck in the wall and had been in there too long. However, he worried that he might not have the supplies needed to rehome the bees safely!

Keeps Getting Bigger

Keeps Getting Bigger


A Unique Project

David had never dreamed of rehoming that many bees. He’d had experience and thought of himself as one of the best, but this hive was massive. Luckily, he knew exactly what to do. He can help bees remain calm without getting upset.

A Unique Project

A Unique Project


Creating a New Home

As David removed bricks to get to the hive, a dozen or so landed on his shoulder, making a home right there. That’s how comfortable they were around him. Some bees began flying around him, but it relaxed the man.

Creating a New Home

Creating a New Home


Loves Bee Company

Most people are afraid of bees, but David loves them. They’re fascinating creatures, and he often shares on social media to learn more about them. Without bees, it would be impossible for humans to live. They pollinate the plants, and we’d lose about 1/3 of our food supply!

Loves Bee Company

Loves Bee Company


Unfortunate Turn

He finally found the huge honeycomb, but he was a little sad. The pesticide used earlier had gotten into the wall, killing some of the bees. There were many dead ones, but the beeswax prevented the chemicals from hurting them all.

Unfortunate Turn

Unfortunate Turn


Dead Queen

The queen was one of the bees that died from the pesticide, and the rest of the hive couldn’t survive without her. She keeps everything in order and focuses on repopulation. It was bad news, but the Bee Whisperer never gave up and started to move it.

Dead Queen

Dead Queen


Two Large Honeycombs

One shocking thing about this story is that the hive was very large. Most are smaller and broken up, but this features two enormous honeycombs. That’s an achievement in and of itself, and things became more interesting as David explored.

Two Large Honeycombs

Two Large Honeycombs


Biggest Hive Ever

This was the largest honeycomb and hive David had ever seen before, and he’d been in this business for many years. People were shocked, but none were as surprised as the homeowners. David started wondering how many bees he’d have to relocate.

Biggest Hive Ever

Biggest Hive Ever


Capturing Them All

There were over 35,000 bees, and most of them followed the honeycomb. They wanted to stay in their hive, so it was easier on David. Still, a few stragglers had to be gathered, and he had to be creative, using a special household tool for the job.

Capturing Them All

Capturing Them All


The New Home

David shared everything on social media, so the news spread about his rehoming efforts. Other “bee whisperers” helped him find a new queen and chose to use a vertical hive, seeing as they’d lived in a wall for a long time!

The New Home

The New Home


The New Queen

Once he inserted a new queen, the bees were instantly aware of her. They’d been without their queen for a while, so it took a bit of time. David was a little nervous, and the bees didn’t seem to like her.

The New Queen

The New Queen


All Hail the Queen

Luckily, things turned out well. The bees finally bowed to the queen and got used to her. Now, they had to start laying eggs for it to be official. It didn’t take long before David saw eggs in the honeycomb, which was a cause for celebration!

All Hail the Queen

All Hail the Queen


The Bees Lay Eggs

The egg-laying process is very interesting. Larvae grow within the honeycomb, using honey and pollen as the food source. This will help them grow up into adult bees. Worker bees do everything, but the queen is the overseer of it all.

The Bees Lay Eggs

The Bees Lay Eggs


They Don’t Give Up

David noticed a stall, worrying about his efforts and the bees. Luckily, they started working again. He thought the hive had been in the wall for roughly two years, but the homeowners just didn’t notice them. However, the noise got louder as new bees came to live there.

They Don't Give Up

They Don’t Give Up


Producing Honey

The bees began producing honey quickly, and David was relieved. He realized the rehoming worked. This was a challenging project, and it paid off for him. Those bees made tons of honey, and David could show off the collection.

Producing Honey

Producing Honey


Pollen Colors

Most people believe pollen is yellow, and the honey is also similar in color. However, pollen comes in various shades. In fact, David shared a photograph of the Holy Honeycomb bees and the pollen inside.

Pollen Colors

Pollen Colors


Living Happily Ever After

David shared an update on his social media account six months after saving those bees. He told the world that they were doing well and loved the new queen. Plus, the homeowners were happy for the bees to be out of the walls!

Living Happily Ever After

Living Happily Ever After