You might understand how to operate a vehicle. Hopefully, you know how to change a tire. Although working the wipers, the radio, AC, and the hazard lights are great functions to know how to operate, you’re missing out if you don’t know these car hacks. We have highlighted a few simple car hacks that can be life-changing. Our list of these car hacks has you covered for any minor or major annoyance. How many of these do you know?
Fixing a Dent
If you’ve got an unpleasant dent on the side of your car, you shouldn’t worry. Dents are pretty common, yet easily fixable. Pour hot water over this dent and take a plunger. From here, you can pull the plunger and pop the dent out.
Dirty Headlights
You shouldn’t rush to the nearest auto store if your headlights are foggy. Toothpaste can work well because of the mild abrasives included in this substance. This helps clean your headlights without paying for special products.