Apple Juice
Most people would never think apple juice would be dangerous, but you could be in for a shock. Apple juice that comes from China can test positive for arsenic, which can be deadly.

Apple Juice
Ginseng is a commonly used herb thanks to its many health benefits, but much of it is imported from China. When tested, some of this ginseng contained a number of harmful chemicals, including pesticides.

Table Salt
Most people have table salt in their homes, but you might want to think twice before sprinkling it on your food. A lot of the salt that we use in the US is actually from China, and it could be mixed with harmful substances.

Table Salt
We all love the refreshment of a cool watermelon on a hot, humid day. However, if the watermelon comes from a country like China, you could find that it’s filled with dangerous pesticides.

In the US, there is also a lot of garlic imported from China. So, you should be aware that it might have a lot of pesticides on it, which means you could be eating them if you eat garlic.

You might be surprised to know that the US also imports beef from China. In China, meat is processed differently, so it could be diseased or chemically preserved.

Rice Noodles
If you like Asian food, you probably eat rice noodles. However, a lot of them are imported direction from Asia, and they may contain a chemical called sulfur dioxide. This could make you very sick.

Rice Noodles
Baby Formula
If you are a parent, you may use imported baby formula. If you do, you should check the labels for an ingredient called “melamine.” This chemical can negatively affect the kidneys if you eat a lot of it.

Baby Formula
Like baby formula, shelf-stable milk may also contain melamine, and often it’s in even larger doses. When you drink this milk in large quantities, it can be damaging to the kidneys.

Rice is usually a safe choice, but if it’s imported from China, it may contain a number of harmful chemicals. If you are buying rice from the store, make sure to check where it comes from.

Shrimp is a popular and healthy protein option, but it’s best not to eat shrimp that comes from China. After testing, some of these shrimp contain chemicals like nitrofurazone, enrofloxacin, and chloramphenicol;, all of which can be dangerous.

Tilapia is another healthy and lean option for fish lovers in the US, but some of it is imported directly from China. The water that these fish are raised in might have a lot of dangerous chemicals in it, or even trash and sewage.

Cabbage might seem like a nice, safe option for dinner, but if you are getting it from a store that imports from China, you need to be careful. To keep the cabbage fresh, it is often sprayed with chemicals, which can cause illness.

Canned Peaches
Though canned peaches might not be the most healthy option, it definitely tastes great, doesn’t it? You may, however, get a load of toxic lead, as many cans in China contain this dangerous metal.

Canned Peaches
Canned Tuna
Like canned peaches, other canned products, like canned tuna, can carry lead in the can if it’s imported. On top of this, Chinese. fisheries may raise fish in water that is filled with trash, sewage, and chemicals.

Canned Tuna
Every bit of oil you buy from China isn’t dangerous, but some of it could be. Why? Because China doesn’t have strict safety laws, so manufacturers can get away with a lot of nonsense.

Fish, including cod, is popular in US households, but it is in your best interest not to buy cod that is imported from China. Like other fish on this list, the cod might have been raised in gross, dirty water.

Mushrooms from China are often covered in pesticides. If you eat these mushrooms, you are then eating these chemicals. Not only can fresh mushrooms have this issue, but so do jar or canned mushrooms.

Many companies import lamb from China, too. However, the issue here is that the lamb that comes from China might not actually be lamb! There are some studies that show the meat is actually something else, including rat meat!

Eating chicken is a healthy choice, but it also could make people sick. It is always best to buy chicken from local sources instead of imported ones. This includes canned options.

Many people believe that tea from China is the best in the world, but that doesn’t mean that it’s always safe. The truth is that studies show more than two dozen dangerous chemicals found in imported tea.

Many people drink wine on a daily basis, and many buy wine that comes from other countries. However, it’s best to stay clear of wine from China, as it has a lot of additives.

Many dishes contain pork, including many Asian dishes. Chinese pork might seem like a good option. Pork manufacturers in China are free to add thins like borax to keep the meat fresh.

Soy Sauce
Most homes in the US and around the world have soy sauce somewhere, and you might think that soy sauce from China is the best you can get. This isn’t true, though, as it can contain a cancer-causing chemical called 4-Methylimidazole.

Soy Sauce
Eggs are a common addition to the daily diet, but most of us don’t realize that the eggs we eat are not local. Some, in fact, could be coming right from China, and they could have chemicals or other problematic additions.

Green Peas
Many people choose to eat green peas because of the health benefits, but some of them actually come from a lab. They might be dyed or contain chemicals to make them taste better!

Green Peas
Don’t Get Sick!
Foods from almost anywhere can make you sick. Much of the food we eat comes from China, but there are definitely other foods that we have that can get you sick, too.

Don’t Get Sick!
Fish and Shellfish
When you travel, it might be common to dine on the local sea food, but you must be smart. Don’t eat anything raw, and if something looks, tastes, or smells bad, stay clear!

Fish And Shellfish
Raw Eggs
Eating raw eggs isn’t common in the US, but in many countries around the world, it is a common food. It is best that you don’t eat raw eggs if you are traveling, though, as they can contain salmonella.

Raw Eggs
Undercooked Meat
Many places around the world are known for street food, but that doesn’t mean you should dive right in. The people running these stands are not professional chefs, and it’s very possible that you will bite down on undercooked meat.

Undercooked Meat
Raw Vegetables
When you are traveling, you want to avoid raw food altogether, including eating raw vegetables. These veggies, though healthy, may contain bacteria, plus they might have a lot of pesticides.

Raw Vegetables
Greasy Food
Greasy food can cause stomach upset on the best of days, so when you are traveling, it’s more important than ever to stay clear. You don’t want to get heartburn or tummy troubles when on vacation.

Greasy Food
Condiments and Sauces
Sauces and condiments are very common for dipping and for enhancing the taste of food. But, again, these can have a lot of bacteria, and if they are homemade, they might be made with water or ingredients that are dangerous.

Condiments And Sauces
Dairy Products
Dairy industry regulations vary from one country to another, and that means that you may get sick if you drink it. Also, keep in mind that most milk around the world is whole milk or raw milk, which might not be what you are used to.

Dairy Products
Tap Water
You might know that drinking tap water in other countries can make you sick. Why? Because it might contain parasites or bacteria. When you travel, consider only drinking bottled water.

Tap Water
The same goes with ice. After all, ice is simply frozen water. It contains the same possible bacteria and parasites that the water may contain, and any of it can make you sick.

Raw Cashews
Eating some nuts, specifically cashews, may also make you sick. These nuts are not actually raw, and instead are processed. Why? Because raw cashews can make you very sick because they naturally have a chemical on them.

Raw Cashews
You might have heard that elderberries have a lot of health benefits, and this is true. However, only the berry itself is safe. The rest of the plant, including the berries and leaves, contain a chemical that has similar side effects as cyanide!

Fugu – Pufferfish
Pufferfish, also known as fugu, is a Japanese delicacy. Many people want to try this food, but if it’s not prepared correctly, it could be deadly!

Fugu Pufferfish
People all over the world eat cassava, but if you don’t know how to prepare it, this, too, could make you very sick. Cassava must be fully cooked before being eaten.
