It was a Special Day
The day that Tony Scherb was caught on camera in the elevator was actually pretty special. It was the day of his retirement. He stepped into the elevator with a spring in his step, not realizing that every move was being caught on film.

It Was A Special Day
Longest Serving Officer
Tony was one of the longest-serving officers on the force, but it was all going to be over in a matter of hours. After 30 long years of working in the traffic and transport units, the day had finally come when he was going to finally hang up his badge and put his gun away.

Longest Serving Officer
Final Day on the Job
After so many years, it was Tony’s final day on the job. He went into work and reminisced with all of his co-workers about the past three decades. It was certainly a bittersweet moment as Tony stepped onto the elevator that last time.

Final Day On The Job
He Didn’t Realize There was a Camera
When Tony stepped onto the elevator, he didn’t realize that there was a camera. The camera was recently installed because the elevator kept malfunctioning, and the building manager wanted to see why.

He Didn’t Realize There Was A Camera
We All Do This…
It doesn’t matter who you are, when you step into an empty elevator, you don’t immediately think that there is a camera there. So, you may do things that you aren’t expecting other people to see. This is exactly what Tony did on his last day at the office.

We All Do This…
He Was All Alone
At the end of the day, Tony stepped onto the elevator. He had said goodbye to his co-workers, and was feeling a bit emotional. So, he waited until the elevator was empty, and he stepped inside.

He Was All Alone
He Started to Dance
As is the case in many elevators, music was playing when Tony stepped in. So, he did what everyone might do when they think no one is watching….he started to dance! Who can resist dancing to Silento’s “Watch Me,” which is what was playing?

He Started To Dance
Do You Know the Song?
Most people know that “Watch Me” is not only a song, but it was an epic dance that went viral a few years ago. Tony was no stranger to trends, and he knew the moves that went along with the lyrics.

Do You Know The Song?
Having a Blast
Tony was having a blast as the elevator moved down to the ground floor. He was on cloud nine. He was finally retiring, and he had so much to look forward to. What he didn’t know, though, was that he wasn’t as alone as he thought…

Having A Blast
Someone Steps In…
Before hitting the ground floor, the elevator made a stop. Tony saw his colleague, Officer Reid, step in, but he was still dancing. So, she saw everything, and we can see from the look on her face that she was surprised.

Someone Steps In…
She Joined Right In
When Officer Reid saw that Tony was dancing, she couldn’t help…she joined right in. Who can resist doing a little “whip” or a “nae nae?” Both Tony and Officer Reid were surprised when the elevator stopped again at the next floor.

She Joined Right In
It Was Their Boss
Officer Reid and Tony stopped dancing when their boss walked onto the elevator. After all, they were not sure how their supervisor might react to them messing around and being playful at work.

It Was Their Boss
The Dancing Continued
Their boss got off at the next floor, and as soon as he stepped out and the elevator doors closed, Tony and Officer Reid started dancing once again. But…someone else was about to step on in their boss’s place.

The Dancing Continues
Another Officer Joins In
It was their colleague, and she wanted to join in on the fun, too. All three of them began to dance as the music continued to be piped into the elevator. However, none of them knew they were on camera.

Another Officer Joins In
The Sheriff Gets In, Too
At the next floor, the elevator stopped again, and this time, the Sheriff stepped onto the elevator. He said hello to the officers on board, and the doors closed. Would he join in on the dance party?

The Sheriff Gets In, Too
Would He Dance?
No one had to say a word. As soon as the elevator got started again, the Sheriff led the charge, and HE started dancing! So, that was a green light for everyone else to start cutting a rug once again. How did the Sheriff know to dance? Were they being watched?

Would He Dance?
A Viral Video
With all of these police officers dancing in an elevator, it was only a matter of time before the video went viral. It was released by the Sheriff’s Office, and it became a smash hit online. These are not the only captured images from security cameras, though…

A Viral Video
This guy was caught on a security camera, too. He was eating ice cream, but he dropped it onto the ground. The footage shows him looking around, seeing no one, and then putting the scoop right back onto the cone and taking a lick! Gross!

This security camera caught a lady blowing her nose. No, this isn’t shocking in the least…what IS shocking, however, is that someone rode by a stole the tissue from her hands. We can only speculate that the thief may have believed it was her cell phone.

The Ride That Never Ends
In this security footage, you can see two girls try to get up an escalator. One of them falls, and the other tumbles after her friend. Unfortunately, since the escalator just keeps going, they are unable to get up, and they just fall over and over again!

The Ride That Never Ends
This guy was caught letting his anger get the best of him. He started kicking at some poles, and then watched as they fell right into the water. We don’t know why he did this, but it was all caught on film.

A Bad Idea
Here, you can see a guy taking a photo copy of his butt! Not only is this unprofessional, but the footage also shows that he ended up breaking the copy machine. We have to wonder if he was ultimately fired or was able to keep his job.

A Bad Idea
Scary Dog
This camera footage shows a little dog trying to say “hi” to a delivery man. Startled by the dog, the poor delivery person dropped all of his packages. The dog was no real threat, but you can never be too careful around strange pets.

Scary Dog
Yoga Pig
Well, this is something you don’t see every day! This video footage shows a woman trying to relax and tone her body with some yoga. However, this pig wanted in on the action, too, and tried to join in.

Yoga Pig
A Poor Choice
Stealing is never a good idea, and this footage shows some instant karma on a female thief. The camera caught her stuffing her dress with stolen items, but in this case, the joke was on her.

A Poor Choice
Fighting a Snake
This guy got startled by a snake, and here, we can see him trying to wrangle it into submission. This particular footage was from a police station in Thailand. Looks like this guy got more than he bargained for!

Fighting A Snake
Walking Into a Glass Door
Many people walk right into glass doors and windows, especially if they are clean. Unfortunately for this woman, her blunder was caught on camera and shared with the internet.

Walking Into A Glass Door
A Dropped Tray
Here, we can see the aftermath of a food collision. It seems like these two waitresses ran right into each other, which caused a catastrophe! All of those wings on the floor? Not good!

A Dropped Tray
FedEx workers often park, jump out of the truck, deliver a package, and jump right back in. Here, though, the driver wasn’t fast enough, and an unsavory character took advantage of those seconds he was gone and stole the entire truck!

Porch Pirate?
Front door cameras are becoming more popular all of the time, and they are very useful for capturing those infamous porch pirates. This woman was about to steal a package when she noticed the camera and changed her mind.

Porch Pirate?
Fight in the Making
This elevator footage was making the rounds a few years ago. In it, we see a couple looking pretty cozy, but in the film, we quickly see things go south. The woman here ended up pushing the guy off the elevator after a fight.

Fight In The Making
An Unexpected Visitor
This indoor security camera caught something shocking…an actual bear walking through someone’s home! We don’t know how the bear got into the house, but we can see it leaving later in the footage.

An Unexpected Visitor
A Strange Sight
Here we have the story of a man who stood on this boat, motionless, for hours. Suddenly the footage shows him jumping off into the water…but no one has seen him come out, nor has any body been found. Spooky….

A Strange Sight
Guy Eating a Deer
This tale comes from an electric company worker who claims he was doing a maintenance check on a train station. As he panned the security camera, he saw a man on all fours eating a deer! We can’t make this up!

Guy Eating A Deer
Pacing at 3AM
This story comes from a bank employee who says he watched some overnight security footage that showed a man walking back and forth in front of the bank at 3AM. He would stop occasionally and look directly into the camera, and then go back to pacing.

Pacing At 3AM
A Lucky Shot
In this story, we hear about a drunk guy who dropped a bottle, kicked it, and through a huge stroke of luck, it landed right in the recycling bin. The guy started cheering and jumping up and down only to realize no one is around. However, it was all caught on camera.

A Lucky Shot
Weird Guy
A university employee reported that he saw a weird guy break into the school at Easter break. He watched the footage and noticed the guy stole six bags of items but spent most of his time walking around the auditorium for several hours.

Weird Guy
One hotel employee reported that she watched a woman walking around the pool while talking on her cell phone. This, of course, wasn’t unusual. What WAS strange was that after a few minutes, the woman stripped down until she was totally nude and continued to talk on her phone.

Cruise Ship
In this strange story, a cruise ship employee says a guest found one of their security cameras. He looked into the camera for five minutes, smiled a lot, and then walked away. Sounds pretty unsettling, right?

Cruise Ship