Man Adopts Daughter, Years Later He Founds Out Why Nobody Wanted Her

Published on February 20, 2023
Adoption is something many people think about. They may be unable to have children themselves or wish to help those in foster care. Regardless, it’s a monumental decision that requires a lengthy process.

One man decided to adopt a girl that no one wanted. She’d been in the system for years, but he loved her and cared about her until adulthood. However, things changed, and he wondered if she had a sinister past that no one had mentioned before now. Had she done something horrible? Was her lineage to blame? Keep reading to find out!

Meet Dale

Dale Jefferson was a single 44-year-old man who resided in St. Cloud, Minnesota. He’d wanted a child for as long as he could remember, but he never married and rarely dated. Therefore, when he met Lise Barber, he jumped at the chance to become a father!

Meet Dale

Meet Dale

Very Determined

Dale wasn’t sure why he wished to adopt, but he knew he wanted children in his life, and she could be his only chance. He realized later that he probably should have asked more questions because he learned a painful truth 28 years later.

Very Determined

Very Determined


Dream Come True

When Dale adopted his new daughter, he was very happy. He’d wanted to be a dad for a while, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. As a child, he’d dreamed of a big family, but he didn’t have the crucial component to make it all happen.

Dream Come True

Dream Come True



Though Dale was romantic, he hadn’t found his one true love. Therefore, he was single and had learned to live with that. Still, he hoped to find a child to raise and love, and adoption was the best choice. It wouldn’t be easy, but he was willing to try.




6 Years Old

Lise was 6 years old when Dale adopted her. She had been in the foster care system since birth, which meant dealing with a hard life. Whenever she befriended her fellow orphans, she got close enough to feel rejected that they were picked over her.

6 Years Old

6 Years Old


Never Chosen

As Lise spent more time at the orphanage, she saw many of her friends get adopted. Though she was happy for them, she was passed over, which made her feel unwanted and even rejected as she got older.

Never Chosen

Never Chosen


Her Only Chance

It’s nearly impossible for a child that old to find a forever home. Adoptive parents often wanted young babies that they could raise from birth. The orphanage chose to withhold certain information because they worried Dale wouldn’t adopt her if he knew.

Her Only Chance

Her Only Chance


A Good Fit

Dale and Lise made fast friends, and she made sure she was good. He worried that he might not be able to adopt any other child since he was a single man with no wife or girlfriend. Therefore, he jumped at the chance to bond with her.

A Good Fit

A Good Fit


Easier Age

Lise was 6 at the time, so things were easier on Dale. Newborns required tons of attention, but she was already behaved and independent to a point. In fact, she simply needed kindness and a loving family life, and he could provide that!

Easier Age

Easier Age


Years Go By

Dale wanted to have a strong relationship with his new daughter, so they spent plenty of time together. However, she held back. He realized things couldn’t be perfect, but now he wondered if he should do more.

Years Go By

Years Go By


Doing His Best

Time went on, and Dale tried being the best dad possible. He hoped Lise felt comfortable enough to share things with him. Still, he believed she held back, even though he’d opened his heart and home to her.

Doing His Best

Doing His Best



Overall, Dale thought Lise was distant. Could she be a recluse? In most cases, she would hang out in her bedroom and didn’t have many friends her own age. Plus, she always seemed to stay out after school to be alone.





Dale wanted his daughter to be sociable, but he also wished to respect her choices. She was highly independent and liked her freedom, so he left her alone. It could simply be a phase she would grow out of as time went on.




Nothing Changed

As Lise grew up, nothing changed. In fact, her “teenager” phase never ended, and now she was 18 and heading off to college. Before he realized it, she was moving out and opening the next chapter in her life.

Nothing Changed

Nothing Changed


Not Anticipating

Dale wished for her to make the effort to bond, but things got worse. Instead of forming a closer relationship when she moved out, she stopped talking to him altogether. He never could have predicted that would happen after those years of togetherness.

Not Anticipating

Not Anticipating


Losing Contact

For the first two weeks, Dale tried calling his daughter, but now she was even farther from home. It was hard while they lived together, and now it would be an impossible struggle to stay in contact with her because she was at college.

Losing Contact

Losing Contact


He’s Sad

Overall, Dale was sad, especially when he found out she chose a college far away for that particular reason. Now, he couldn’t check in with her and visit. This was hard to witness because she disconnected so quickly and settled into a life without him in it.

He's Sad

He’s Sad


Surprising News

Dale decided to surprise his daughter at college one day. It took weeks of planning, but when he got there, the receptionist had some shocking news. Now, he was upset and stunned because he had never expected things to go that way!

Surprising News 

Surprising News


She Lied

Lise had actually stopped going to school months ago but hadn’t told her adoptive dad. In fact, she hid the truth from him, and now he had no idea of where she was living. This saddened him, but he was more worried about her safety than anything.

She Lied

She Lied


Calling Lise

Before doing anything else, Dale tried calling and texting her, but he never got a response. He realized she didn’t want to speak to him, and that truly hurt. She was hiding something, and he was worried that she was in danger.

Calling Lise

Calling Lise


Very Worried

Dale believed that he’d failed as a parent. He only hoped to raise a child, and Lise had been his dream come true. Had he done something wrong? She wouldn’t even talk to him. Now, he just needed to know she was safe.

Very Worried

Very Worried


The Last Try

Overall, Dale chose to send Lise another message, simply asking if she was all right. If she responded that she was, he’d leave her alone. Though he was sad to remember the years of raising her, he took it in stride.

The Last Try

The Last Try


She’s Okay

A bit later, Lise replied with two words: “I’m okay.” She didn’t provide any details, such as where she was living or why she’d left school. In fact, she didn’t use the word “dad,” and the entire message was cold.

She's Okay

She’s Okay


Making Peace

Every day, Dale thought about his adopted daughter, Lise. It was tough to look back at that text, and he wanted nothing more than to ask what he’d done wrong to make her hate him. However, it had been years since he talked to her, so he was quite surprised when it occurred.

Making Peace

Making Peace


The Mystery

One day, Dale was working in the garden. When he stopped for a break, he noticed he had a missed call on his cell phone. There was no voicemail or text, though. Most of his friends called the home phone, so he went and checked that, but nothing was there, either.

The Mystery

The Mystery


Asking Around

A few years before this incident, Dale had met Hannah. Eventually, they chose to marry. They got on well together, and he went outside again to ask if she knew about the call or who it was. Hannah didn’t, which confused him even more.

Asking Around

Asking Around


The Tragedy

Before meeting Dale, Hannah’s two sons had died in a car crash. This was 20 years ago, but it helped the couple bond and connect. Dale often felt like his own daughter was dead since she wouldn’t speak to him. They understood each other, and it helped to ease the pain.

The Tragedy

The Tragedy


Dale’s Heart

When Hannah met Dale, she knew he was loving, and he showed that by doing what he could to bring happiness to her life. She now had hope in the future. However, Dale believed that she praised him too much for the things he did.

Dale's Heart

Dale’s Heart


No Idea

Hannah claimed that she never gave out his cell number and had no idea who had called earlier. She mentioned calling it back, which Dale hadn’t done because he didn’t want to waste his time. Still, it might be helpful.

No Idea

No Idea


Phone Rings Again

Dale called that same number again but got no answer. Later, he was pouring a glass of wine when his phone rang. It was the same number, and he desperately wanted to know if it was Lise. Most people used his house phone number, but he had kept the cell in case.

Phone Rings Again

Phone Rings Again


Not Lise

Dale said “hello” a few times, and a man’s voice came on the line. Clearly, this disappointed Dale. However, he heard a woman talking in the background, so Dale asked for the man’s name. Nothing came of that.

Not Lise

Not Lise


Important Message

Now, Dale realized that the male on the other end held his hand over the mouthpiece to get instructions from the woman. Finally, he asked for Dale. This was spooky! Should he hang up? The man then mentioned Lise, and Dale gasped with shock.

Important Message

Important Message



The man on the phone said that Lise was worried Dale wouldn’t speak to her, but he reassured the guy that wouldn’t happen. She finally took the phone but didn’t say anything. Had she hung up? After an eternity, Dale heard his daughter say, “Hi, dad.”





Lise immediately said that she was doing okay and called to get something out in the open. Before she did, she hoped Dale would simply listen so that she could say it all at once. Dale promised because this must be important.




Getting Answers

Lise said she’d always felt odd about Dale adopting her, and he asked why she’d waited to say that. This led to tears, but Dale believed he had a right to know. It was stuck in his brain that he wasn’t a good father, and now Lise was going to tell the truth.

Getting Answers

Getting Answers


A Forever Love

In college, she’d met another adopted woman, so they chose to find their biological parents together. Her friend had said she shouldn’t talk to Dale anymore, and then too much time passed. She was scared he wouldn’t speak to her, but he promised that couldn’t happen.

A Forever Love

A Forever Love


Her Biological Parents

Lise had found the records for her birth parents and went to their last known address. However, she got robbed on the way. She still went there, and a neighbor claimed that the mother and father had a drug addiction and went to rehab.

Her Biological Parents

Her Biological Parents


Lucky Break

Since Lise had no money, she stayed with friends and moved out of the dorm. She worked and finished her degree. As she was looking for an apartment, she met her boyfriend. They soon moved in together, and he supported her in finding her adopted dad.

Lucky Break

Lucky Break



Lise feared that Dale wouldn’t speak to her again, but it was also hard to find him. She decided to go to their old home, and the new owners gave her his last known phone number. Though she had the information, she waited.





Dale hoped to be part of her life and meet the boyfriend, so he asked to see her in person. Two weeks later, he, Hannah, Lise, and her boyfriend all met. They finally moved closer and have a good relationship.

